

         第26届CHIME国际学术会议将于2024年10月3-6日德国召开。本次会议主题为“中国音乐与可持续性发展”CHIME协会,德国汉诺威音乐、戏剧、与媒体大学(University of Music Drama and Media Hannover),希尔德斯海姆大学(Univerity of Hildesheim)世界音乐中心共同举办。会议投稿截止时间为2024年5月5日。现将有关事项通知如下:


1.  当代社会面临诸多的挑战(环境、科技、城市化等),从而使我们把关注的焦点放在音乐的可持续性发展上。中国的传统音乐与现当代音乐创作面临着哪些挑战与机遇?我们该采取何种行动来应对这些挑战、机遇,乃至危机(音乐文化遗产的继承与保护、音乐教育、音乐创新)?当代中国音乐创作如何受到气候变化和环境危机的影响?音乐创作者们又是如何在其音乐作品中勾勒出这些危机并对危机进行反思?在全球人文学科萎缩的背景下,音乐家、音乐教育人士,以及音乐研究人员该如何面对职业生涯中可能面临的危机?


1. 个人学术论文


2. 研讨小组(3-4人) 

    提交内容包括:a. 小组提案中心议题(250字以内); b. 小组成员的单个参会内容摘要(200字以内)。

3. 表演、工作坊、电影放映、圆桌对话





主任:杜咏霏 (University of Music Drama and Media Hannover/ University of Hildesheim)德国


Michael Fuhr (University of Music Drama and Media Hannover/ University of Hildesheim)德国               

Samuel Horlor (University of Durham)英国

Raimund Vogels (Center for World Music, Univerity of Hildesheim)德国






Call for Papers 

Sustainability and Chinese Music 


Urgent contemporary challenges have brought sustainability (可持续性) into sharp focus as a basic concern across musical worlds and research into music and sound. What are the historical and contemporary threats to the vibrancy of traditions and practices in Chinese music (technological, economic, political developments) and how have people acted to secure dynamic futures (heritage work, education, advocacy)? How has Chinese music been affected by the acute climate and environmental crisis, and can it become a potent force for change? Against these backdrops, how do individual musicians and researchers build lasting careers? 


We welcome the following forms of proposal engaging with the broad theme of sustainability and Chinese music:  


1. Individual paper (20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions): submit an abstract of max. 250 words 

2. Panel sessions of three to four papers: submit a panel abstract of max. 250 words plus abstracts of max. 200 words for each contribution 

3. Performances, workshops, film screenings or roundtable discussions: submit an abstract of 250 words; please indicate the length of the contribution.


Abstracts should include name(s), affiliation(s) and contact details of all participants.


The primary languages of our meeting are English and Chinese. We encourage speakers to bring summaries or translations of their presentations to be made available to all conference participants.


The best student paper presented at the conference will be awarded with the CHIME Award, a prize of 500 Euros and (subject to standard procedures of editing and peer review) publication of the finalized version of the paper in the CHIME Journal.



Please send the information requested to the programme committee at chime@zo.uni-heidelberg.de by 5 May 2024.  (Note: this mail address includes ‘Heidelberg’, but the actual meeting will definitely take place in Hannover and Hildesheim.)

Acceptance notifications will be sent by the end of May 2024, along with confirmation of the conference registration fee and other preliminary details. 


Programme Committee 

Du Yongfei (Chair), University of Music Drama and Media Hannover/Center for World Music – University of Hildesheim

Michael Fuhr, University of Music Drama and Media Hannover/University of Hildesheim

Samuel Horlor, Music Dept, University of Durham, UK

Li Shuqin, Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, China

Raimund Vogels, Center for World Music – University of Hildesheim

Zhang Boyu, School of Music, Chin Univerity of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China
